Barracuda Brigade @BarracudaMama 1m
#NTB: Say Goodbye To The INTERNET As You Know It ➡ FCC Approves Plan To Consider Paid Priority On Internet http://ln.is/ow.ly/f3ifM
ProfessorRobo @ProfessorRobo 3m
Geithner Must Give S&P Documents in U.S. Fraud Suit http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-14/timothy-geithner-must-provide-s-p-with-documents-in-fraud-case.html …
Pol0tix @Pol0tix 3m
Obama Labor Participation Rate Lowest In 36 Yrs http://survivalbackpack.us/obama-labor-participation-rate-stands-62-8-lowest-36-years/ …
TakingHayekSeriously @FriedrichHayek 2m
Obama staffers prepped Geithner on how to lie about Social Security & Federal Deficit as a dog-whistle to Dem voters http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/geithner-white-house-wanted-me-lie-sunday-shows_791273.html …
Drudge Siren @Drudge_Siren 7h
The Internet's 51 New Regulators... http://plu.gd/SXk
Byron York @ByronYork 7m
Jaw-dropping action on Senate floor: Democrats want to amend US Constitution to stop Koch brothers… http://ow.ly/wV3V4
James Woods @RealJamesWoods 3h
New video shows missing Nigeria schoolgirls http://usat.ly/1lb7HLd Too bad Mrs. Clinton refused to list Boko Haram as a terrorist group.
Kristina Ribali @KristinaRibali 9m
Gird your loins. RT @jimgeraghty: Oh Good, Another Government Deal With GM. http://natl.re/1hQVA53
White House Planning Class Warfare Attack to Spin Away from ObamaCare http://ow.ly/smy5D . @cspanwj #tcot #news #cnn #bbc #teaparty
Employers Slash Hours Thanks to Obamacare http://ow.ly/mEchr . You liberals can thank Obama now. @cspanwj #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty
Speaker John Boehner @SpeakerBoehner 5m
New #ObamaCare policy “could mean thousands of dollars out of your pocket,” @AP reports http://j.mp/RHURN5
clarissa jones @beachkatie 5m
Lies of Obamacare | Power Line http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2014/05/lies-of-obamacare-17.php ….
Josh Jordan @NumbersMuncher 11m
CNN Poll: Just 12% of Americans call Obamacare a success while 39% call it a failure. Among independents the number is even worse at 5-42.
My Cancellation @MyCancellation 2m
McKinsey Survey: 74% Of #ObamaCare Sign-Ups Were Previously Insured http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2014/05/10/new-mckinsey-survey-74-of-obamacare-sign-ups-were-previously-insured/ …
pete602 @petefrt 55s
VA Scandals Raise The Specter Of Obamacare Rationing http://buff.ly/1jPiG0H #tcot #teaparty #pjnet #gop #tlot #ccot pic.twitter.com/GPO3Nu0A4s
Earl Crosby @EasyEarl 1m
Clinton, Rove, and The Suspicious Lenses » Politichicks.tv http://bit.ly/1gMWi2M
Barracuda Brigade @ArcticFox2016 44s
#BB4SP: Diversion after diversion after diversion....
The Hill @thehill 3m
Poll: 70 percent support voter ID laws http://j.mp/1jPPtm0
AFPColorado @AFPColorado 2m
5 reasons this White House can't be taken seriously on the #climate question: http://wapo.st/1mS2s5o #copolitics #teaparty #tlot
POLL: Majority of Americans believe Dems are the extremist
#UniteBlue #LibCrib #TeaParty #tlot #tcot #PJNet
Nathan Hale @NH92276 15m
THIS ---> “@thomasj17431826: Why Democrats Really Oppose Voter ID http://www.redstate.com/diary/martin_a_knight/2013/08/17/why-democrats-oppose-voter-id/ … #tcot #UniteBlue #p2 #tlot”
PJ Media @PJMedia_com 7m
Rubio Will Not Have ‘Exit Strategy’ to Keep Senate Seat If He Runs for President http://bit.ly/1uUyxPP #tcot
NerObama Fiddles @swterry91 3m
DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz: The Democrat Carbon Tax Is Coming (Video) http://bit.ly/1jlCsBt
Feisty☀Floridian @peddoc63 1h
Who outsources Jobs? With taxpayer money💰#tcot pic.twitter.com/flJOVcFeTx
Ed @EDinCali 7m
WTH? Congress stop this! Dept of Agriculture Orders Submachine Guns with 30 Round Magazines http://joemiller.us/2014/05/dept-agriculture-orders-submachine-guns-30-round-magazines/ … via @joewmiller
deltaweb @websquaw 9m
Twitter unloads on DWStweets’ Benghazi remark: ‘I’m convinced she has no soul’ http://www.bizpacreview.com/2014/05/09/twitter-unloads-on-dws-benghazi-remark-im-convinced-she-has-no-soul-117964 … [ignorant hateful bitch]
J.R. BENGHAZI @jrstws 8m
Epic: It Took Just 3 Minutes For Trey Gowdy To Shame An Entire Room Of Journalists Into Silence http://www.westernjournalism.com/took-congressman-just-three-minutes-shut-obama-loving-media/ … Thank God for Gowdy!
David Horowitz @horowitz39 13h
If anyone doubts that Hillary Clinton's fingerprints are all over the criminal actions in Benghazi, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93i0wT9jo9I …
Conservative Chick @NaughtyBeyotch 18s
WOW!~>Trey Gowdy Grills Media at Benghazi Press Conference into Stunned Silence http://barracudabrigade.blogspot.com/2014/05/wowtrey-gowdy-grills-media-at-benghazi.html …
Michelle Malkin @michellemalkin 1h
ICYMI: Eleanor Clift ripped for 'despicable' suggestion that Ambassador Stevens wasn't murdered in Benghazi http://bit.ly/1iGziXj
Brent Bozell @BrentBozell 5m
Obama lies to the media's face, and they sit there and take it - Another IRS Bombshell Lands Unreported http://ow.ly/wV2tT
Katie Pavlich @KatiePavlich 5m
Not even a "smidgen" #IRS http://ow.ly/wV8ds
TavernKeepers @TavernKeepers 10m
@SpeakerBoehner wimps out on #LoisLerner. Expects Eric Holder to do his job for him. http://tavernkeepers.com/boehner-wimps-out-wont-jail-lerner/ … #LNYHBT #TCOT #TGDN #GOP #PJNET
Jo Anne moretti @JoAnneMoretti 1m
Jailbreak: Report: Hillary, Kerry Broke Law That Could Have Prevented Criminal Immigrant Releases http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/17/Do-Hillary-Clinton-and-John-Kerry-bear-some-blame-for-last-year-s-criminal-immigrant-releases …
FAIR @FAIRImmigration 4m
Pelosi: “It has to be comprehensive #immigration reform." http://ow.ly/wVe6F
Rob @robg_here 5s
GOP’s new amnesty weapon http://thehill.com/homenews/house/206281-released-criminals-become-gops-new-weapon-in-immigration-fight …
James Nathaniel @JamesNathaniel7 7h
12 States Now Offer Drivers Licenses To illegal Aliens Guess They Won't Have Problem Getting Voted ID #TCOT #PJNET pic.twitter.com/Dg34o2RN5x
Feds released hundreds of immigrant murderers, drunk drivers, sex-crimes convicts... http://drudge.tw/1nLw8CH
FAIR @FAIRImmigration 3m
This week, Pres. Obama to attend fundraising events with tech CEOs pushing amnesty #immigration http://ow.ly/wKkgn
Barney Franken @BarneyFranken 11m
The Obama Regime Freed Over 36,000 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in 2013, Including For Murder & Sexual Assault: http://wtim.es/1lo7Wp6 #tcot
Monica Crowley @MonicaCrowley 6m
But let's trust Obama admin on comp imm "reform!" RT "Feds released hundreds of immigrant murderers.." http://wtim.es/1lnXIoS via @washtimes
Common Core...
Jan Pleasants @Jantxnc 6m
Obamacare to Place $ Limits on Some Common Procedures -- http://www.gopusa.com/news/2014/05/16/obamacare-to-place-limits-on-some-common-procedures/ …
Andy @RottDawg 2m
Another post from Joe For America DC Schools: $29,349 Per Pupil, 83% Not Proficient in Reading http://ift.tt/1nWnQrD #tcot
Conservative Chick @NaughtyBeyotch 2m
#BB4SP: Parent arrested ~> Outraged over pornographic school book ~> Welcome to COMMON CORE! http://ht.ly/wSo0G http://fb.me/2U2XUiEP6
AnAmericanFirstBossy @copperpenny222 5m
#Feds Issues Warning 2 State That Wants 2 Opt Out of #CommonCore http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/05/07/federal-govt-issues-warning-to-state-that-wants-to-opt-out-of-common-core/ … Risk Losing #Waiver.#tcot #pjnet #orpuw #lnyhbt
David Skehan @aretheynuts 13m
Juan is such a baboon. Conservative Destroys Fox News’ Juan Williams and Unmasks the Common Core. http://po.st/l6hLtI
The 912 Project Fan @the_912_project 6m
The Michigan teacher and union member who is fighting back against Common Core http://ow.ly/2GCOT2
TheBlaze @theblaze 43s
“Always follow the money…”
Is this the reason some Republican governors support Common Core? http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/05/15/always-follow-the-money-is-this-the-reason-some-republican-governors-support-common-core/ …
AFPColorado @AFPColorado 1m
Sign our petition demanding greater transparency at Colo's Obamacare exchange http://bit.ly/QAvFXJ #copolitics #coleg #teaparty #tcot
Lynn Bartels @lynn_bartels 30m
American Energy Alliance targets @MarkUdall over @keystone XL. http://bit.ly/1jqE07w #copolitics
CO Peak Politics @COpeakpolitics 53s
AUDIT. NOW.: Colorado Healthcare Exchange CEO Receives $14K Bonus And Raise http://bit.ly/RAL3nO #copolitics #C4HCO
Colorado Senate GOP @ColoSenGOP 1m
It's official! Gov. Hickenlooper has signed Sen. King's bill to create an air fleet to fight wildfires
A primer for the low-information voter. |